Churches Together in Sheppey

Churches Together in Sheppey 

(CTiS) is an umbrella group for all the Christian churches on the Isle of Sheppey off the north Kent coast in the Thames Estuary.

On this home page are events happening in the next month or so - all planned forthcoming events are on the diary below.

There is a list of the all the Christian churches on Sheppey with their website links, and a map to locate them, and a page of resources available.

There is now a Volunteering Page which will; be jupdqated with new opportunities as they are notified to us.

The Meetings page has the angendas and minutes from the CTiS committee meetings. This meeting is open to all - we'd be pleased to see you!

To contact CTiS please email

Or go to Facebook

Seashells Children/Family Centre  are holding a ‘stand with us - stroll with us’ event to raise awareness. 

We will be meeting at the lifeguard hut in Sheerness at 10am on 7th September and taking a stroll up to the sweet hut along the Minster Leas and back. 

We are all going to be wearing blue. People are able to join in for as little or as long as they like, we do not expect everyone to be able to complete the full stroll.

Everyone is welcome, we want to make a splash!

Please also have your say using the QR code opposite or click 

The Future of Family Hub Services at Seashells in Sheerness and Millmead in Margate | Let’s talk Kent 

Our next Committee Meeting is in September - date and venue to be confirmed.

Update from the Family Trust Summer Camps

The plans for Chequer Tree Camp are going along well with lots of new and exciting ideas, games and crafts that complement the week-long theme and Bible teaching.

And we have stepped out in faith to reopen camp for the traditional two weeks – a choice of two camps for either residential stay or daily day camper visits.

However you do camp, it’s always an amazing and life changing experience!

We still have spaces for your children aged 9-12 on either week: 28th July – 2nd August  and  4th – 9th August.

And we still have spaces for a few more leaders and cooks on either week too; anyone aged over 16 can help at camp and we have a wide range of older, more experienced leaders too (if you’re physically able, you’re not too old!).

Maybe you or your church could sponsor a child or leader to be able to attend camp; finances shouldn’t be a barrier to exploring Christianity at any age. You could make a huge difference in a child’s life by helping to introduce them to Christ.

If you’d like to know more, either contact myself at or our office staff at and take a look at the details on the website

Calendar of Events